Gold Level
Maggie Allesee/Strum Allesee Family Foundation | Christine & Andrew Gumberg | Elsa & Meredith McKinney |
Shari & Stephen Ashman | Sherry & Michael Guthrie | Anthony Morgan |
Ronald L. Banyay | Elece Harrison | Jay Newman |
Ronnette Belizaire | Barbara Heard | Ingrid C. Newman |
Chandler & Brad Bonney | Joy A. Hermanowski-Smith | Jim & Betty Ann Newman |
Doug Bradbury | Charles L. Huisking, III | Brett & Caroline Player |
Fred D. Chappell | Michael Fornaro & Christopher Iansiti | James C. & Elizabeth R. Smith |
Peter & Jennifer Collins | Bobby Jensen & Randell Johnson | South Arts, Inc. |
Robert Contreras & Ellen Berler | Rick & Cathie Johnson | The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation |
Warren Coville | Jenn Joy | The Exchange |
Sandy & Jim Dafoe | Howard Kessler & Anne Van Meter | Marcia Deeb Thornberry & Robert Thornberry |
Beth & Phillip Emery | George Kole & Judith Zuckerberg | Jacqueline & Chuck Whited |
Andrew & Michelle Feinberg | Donald Markstein | Dennis & Barbara Williams |
Steven & Blanche Gordon | Sharon Maxwell-Ferguson & Howell Ferguson |
Garnet Level
Blythe & Lynn Adreon | Interiors Trading Co., Inc. | Marcia Rosal & Philip Fong |
Erin & Alan Bratic | Kathi Jaschke & Richard B. Dusenbury | Emily B. Ruddell |
Kathleen J. & Michael H. Brown | Bobby Johnston & Paul Wilson | Francis J. and Ann S. Salancy |
Sandy Brown, Magnolia Properties | Emory & Dorothy Johnson | David & Julianne Schulte |
Dan Carter | Joe & Cindy Johnson | Brence & Janis Sell |
Mark Chin-Lenn & Kevin Pfeiffer | Barbara A. Judd* | Michael & Judy Sheridan |
Robert & Linda Clickner | Jonathan Klepper & Jimmy Cole | Michael K. Sheridan |
Patti S. Cochran | Michael & Catherine Lambert | Michael Stephens & Collen Reedy |
Tom, Danielle & Cassandra Crabb | Cameron & Julie Lashbrook | Suzanne Stipek |
Cameron DeGavre | Gregory J. Leaming | Martha A. Strawn |
Sara Dimmick | Virgina & Joseph Mallof | Margaret Thayer & Jeffrey Joyce |
Howard & Susan Eisenman | Douglas & Cricket Mannheimer | David & Paula Warmath |
Karl Fedronas & Kathy Kelle | Mary A. McDonough | Elise & Joseph Warner |
Nancy Smith Fichter & Robert W. Fichter | Sally McRorie | Bill & Carol Weissert |
Adam & Anne Fishbein | KC & Bob McWilliams | Tirrell & Kristen Whittley |
Eric & Andrea Friall | Lynn & Todd McWilliams | Charles & Susan Wilson |
Cary Fuller | Russ & Genie Morcom | Wolf-Gordon |
Dave & Laurie Gussak | Kevin V. Mulcahy | Carol A. Woodward |
Jennifer M. Guy-Hudson and Matt Hudson | Robb Pruitt | Jawole W.J. Zollar |
IA Interior Architects | Laura & Sam Rogers |
Seminole Level
Barbara & Hector Aguirre | Richard & Linda Hyson | Martha Olive-Hall & William Hall |
Tony Archer & Daniel Taylor | Bob & Janis Inzer | Lucie Matthews Patton |
Walli Beall | Bruce & Lynn Janasiewicz | Sunny Phillips |
Steve Been, Kathy & Joan McGuire | Deborah & Ernest Kearney | Larry & Joanne Pintacuda |
Michael & Rachel Ciaccio | John & Linda Kilgore | Franklin & Dixie Platt |
Juan & Jessica Comas | Russell Kohl | Tony Purvis & Patrick Enderle |
Reshma Dalsania | George Koraly | Sawyer L. Ramsey |
Sara DuChene | Dennis Kovach & David Logan | Kathleen L. Russo |
Jo Ann Fain | John & Jennifer LaVia | Robert Salie & Rita Pazniokas |
Margie Fletcher | William & Susan Leseman | Almena & Brooks Pettit |
John & Alexis Fraites | Mike & Heather Lister | Anne C. Schmidt |
Larry J. Gerber | Tony & Barbara Lombardo | Gary & Patricia Smith |
David & Hilda Gilchrist | Julie Lovelace & Burt Davy | Jeremy & Cathlyn Spinks |
Michelle Greiner | Geof Mansfield & Jennifer Fitzwater | Robert & Robin Stuyverson |
Elaine Hackett | Sue & Tim Markham | Tracey & Brett Morgan |
Carolyn Henne & Robert Goree | Hayes P. Mauro | Ronald & Karen Toshner |
James E. Hennessey & M.K. Gibson | Preston & Yelena McLane | Randall Van Syoc & Allen Ransome |
Micheal Hetsler & John Hinson | Philip & Gay Merrill | Bernie & Lisa Waxman |
Jerry & Bobbi Hill | Marion & Martin Merzer | Arthur & Judith Whitson |
Lynn Hogan & Robin Fowler | Jane & George Morgan | Jerry & Janice Wise |
Tanya Hollady | Steven Mudder | David & Mary Jean Yon |
Mark Howell & Nicole Crane | Richard & Betty Nimtz |
Friend Level
Alan & Nancy Asker | Stuart & Joan Griffith | Victoria Pace |
William & Frances Berry | Steven Hall | Joel & Diana Padgett |
Carolyn & Daryl Blake | Judith Hefren | Wilmer Pearson |
Donna Blanton & John Van Gieson | Meagan E. Helman | Steven & Felicia Perfect |
Paul J. & Holly L. Brannigan | Myles Hollander | Marlo & Joel Ransdell |
James & Maureen A. Briede | Warren Husband & Samantha Padgett | Michael & Nancy Redig |
Brian & Leah Bristow | Josh & Nikki Jordan | Rodney Reeves & Joan Matey |
Randy & Laurie Brown | James Jurick & Karen Wehner | Mary Roberts |
James Bryan & Stewart Parins | Kenneth Kranz & Susan Barnes | Rachel Roeder |
Mark & Susan Canning | Debra & David Lachter | Karen J. Russell |
Anne & Douglas Cannon | Charles & Dian LaTour | Michael & Arlene Sandberg |
Kathryn K. Cashin | Fred & Jill Leach | Russell R. Sandifer |
Martha & Brent Chumbler | Meik Lee | Nick & Becky Shepherd |
Terry & Linda Cole | Annelise Leysieffer | Gregory & Dawn Springs |
Kyle Coon | Jeffrey & Nancy Lickson | Blan Teagle & Lili Quintiliani |
Carol J. Cooper | Lisa Lovetto | Jana & Thomas Tift |
Paul S. Deitchman | Joanne C. Mallardi | Aurora Torres-Hansen & Gordon Hansen |
D&D Design Group/David & Susan Denman | Ralph & Sue Mancuso | Marjorie Turnbull |
Amanda & Lance Davis | Patricia Yancey Martin | Mary Vossler |
Lynda J. Davis | Adrienne Matcham | Joseph Walthall & Donna Legare |
Tom & Valeria Dudley | Laurie & Bill McCort | Barbara Ware |
Gerald & Cathy Dufford | Fran McLean & W.B. Moore | Kathleen & Thomas Watters |
Barbara & Bryon Ehlmann | Alex Meng & Yi Zhu | Andrew H. Welch |
Katherine A. Emrich | James Messer & Hannah Straus | Kip and Bev Wells |
Caroline & Christopher Ennen | Daniel & Rebecca Miller | James & Annette West |
Sharon & Richard Fallon | Rebecca G. Miller | Arthur Wiedinger |
Grayal E. Farr | Santiago & Laurie Molina | Wildwood Ballet |
Rick & Joyce Fausone | Mary Ann & Duncan Moore | John & Mary Winn |
Segundo & Bobbie Fernandez | Debra Murphy | Ricardo & Deborah Yaryura |
Jack & Susan Fiorito | Leslie O'Connor | Marilyn Young & Michael Launer |
Roy Forman & Paula Sanders | Judith & James O'Donnell | Luther Youngs, III |
James A. Frazier | Karen L. Oehme and Nat S. Stern | Mark Ziegler |
Tony & Kate W. Gelabert | Sandra & Richard Oltmanns | Lesley & Jeffrey Zitone-Olson |
Patrick & Artis Gray | Jill & William Pable | Richard & Katherine Zorn |
Listing represents donors who made gifts between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021 of $250 or more to one or more funds held by the FSU Foundation for the benefit of the College of Fine Arts, its departments, and programs. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. Should you have any corrections or questions, please contact the College Advancement Office at (850) 645-0701.