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College of Fine Arts Dean’s Society

Your gift to the College of Fine Arts – including our programs in Art & Design, Dance, Theatre, and the Museum of Fine Arts – enables us to offer student scholarships, award faculty research grants, recognize exceptional teaching, and support activities across the College.

Our Mission

The Dean’s Society is a group of alumni and friends who support the College of Fine Arts. The society cultivates a community that recognizes and promotes excellence in the visual and performing arts at Florida State University.


Annual recognition includes donors to the College within the fiscal year (July 1 – June 30)

  • Recognition in the annual report and the College’s giving website
  • Invitation to attend the biannual Dean’s Society Breakfast
  • Tours of select College of Fine Arts facilities

The following gift types are counted within the cumulative total:

  • Outright gifts, including cash, stock and property
  • Pledge payments
  • Corporate matching gifts
  • Gifts-in-kind
  • Irrevocable planned gifts
Recognition Levels

The Dean’s Society recognizes donors that make annual, cumulative contributions of $250 or more to any fund in the College of Fine Arts.

Gold SocietyGarnet SocietySeminole SocietyFriend Society