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Christen García

Associate Professor

Art Education

Christen Sperry García’s work is informed by borderlands, Chicane/a/o/x, and Latine/a/o/x bodies of knowledge. She is co-founder of the Nationwide Museum Mascot Project that has performed at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Lima, Peru; Museo Jumex, Mexico City; Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA; and Museo de Arte Moderno, Bogotá, Colombia. García has published in peer-reviewed journals including Art Education, The Drama Review,andJournal of Curriculum and Pedagogy. She is co-editor of the book BIPOC Alliances: Building Community and Curricula (2023). García is Associate Professor in the Department of Art Education at Florida State University.

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Education History

Ph.D., Art Education, Theatre Minor & Latina/x Studies focus, The Pennsylvania State University

M.F.A., Studio Art (Sculpture/4D), California State University, Long Beach

B.S., Studio Art, University of Wisconsin-Madison



García C.S., & Sotomayor, L.C. (in production). Art borderlands in theory, art practice, and teaching. Routledge.

Bailey, I., García C.S., Reed, G., & Sotomayor, L.C. (Eds.). (2023). BIPOC Alliances: Building Communities and Curricula. Information Age Publishing.



García, C. S., & Sotomayor, L.C., & Sandoval, K.* (in production).  Visual pláticas: An Anzaldúan art praxis. Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social.

Sotomayor, L. C, & García, C.S. (in production). nepantlando: nepantla in creative action. Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, 46(1).

McCormack-Whittemore, C., & García, C.S. (accepted for publication). (Re)Designing nepantla lived experiences through zine-ing. Visual Arts Research.

García, C.S., Gutierrez, M*., Leal, K.*, & Hernandez, J.* (2023). Mobile arte museos: Creating spaces through nepantla. Art Education, 76(1), 73-78.

García, C.S. (March 2022) Nepantlando: From borderlands foods to classroom acts of Nepantla, Journal of Curriculum and Pedagogy, 19(1), 69-92, DOI: 10.1080/15505170.2020.1845882

García, C.S. (Fall 2020). tortillas remezclas///entre///rio grande valley/happy valley/milwaukee/los angeles/tamaulipas/sandiego/tijuana/art/identity/pedagogy. Chiricu Journal: Latina/o Literatures, Arts, and Cultures, 5(1), 110-117. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.2979/chiricu.5.1.09

Sotomayor, L., & García, C.S. (2019). Needlework: Forging pedagogical spaces through fabric patterns, mapping, and childbirth. Art Education, 72(4), 43-49.

García, C.S. (2018). Materialized practices of food as borderlands performing as pedagogy. Journal of Social Theory in Art Education JSTAE, 38, 65-74.

García, C.S. (2018). Dancing with the Zapatistas [Review of the book Dancing with the Zapatistas, by D. Taylor and L. Novak]. The Drama Review TDR, 237(2), 214.

García, C.S., & Sullivan, G. (2016). Re-forming and performing David Ecker’s awkward insight. Visual Arts Research, 42(2), 22-33.


BOOK CHAPTERS – Third Party Peer-Reviewed

García, C.S., Rangel, A.A., Vite, L. I., Sandoval, K. Cano, N. Flores Tavizón, M. & Grimaldo, K. CURRICUL-ARTE: Artist acts of autohistoria-teoría within borderlands espacios. In A. B. Pratt, K. Donley, S. Hatch, & S. L. Tharp, & F. Calderon-Berumen (Eds.), Walking Away: Refusing and Resisting Reactionary Curriculum Movements, pp. 219–243. Information Age Publishing.

Sotomayor, L. C, & García, C.S. (2023) Nepantlando: A borderlands approach to curating, art practice, and teaching. In M. Sharma & A. Alexander (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Decolonizing Art, Craft, & Visual Culture Education. Routledge.

García, C.S., Sotomayor, L. C., Rosales, A.,* Salinas, N.,* Ramos, A. M.,* Gonzalez, E.* Sullivan, R.,* Guerrero, R.,* Wilson, M.,* & García, L.,*(2023). Visual testimonios: Artist/writer acts of resistance and recovery. In I. Bailey, C. S. García, G. Reed, & L. C. Sotomayor, (Eds), BIPOC Alliances: Building Community and Curricula. Information Age Publishing.

García, C.S. (2022). ///borderlands///arte///remezcla///pedagogy///entre///el valle///HSI///san diego///. El Mundo Zurdo 8: Planetary citizenship: Anzaldúan thought across communities, histories, cultures. Aunt Lute.

Cantu, I*., Sanchez, J.*, Varela, M.*, Casas, M.*., & Salinas, M.*, García, C.S. (2020). Performing Nepantla: Spanglish as Visual Art Practice in the Rio Grande Valley Borderlands. In M. Ruby, M. Angelo-Rocha, M. Hickey, & V. Agosto (Eds.), Making a Spectacle: Examining Curriculum/Pedagogy as Recovery from Political Trauma. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

García, C.S., Rodriguez, F., Zúñiga, X., & Carpenter, B. S. (2018). Thinking in water: The process of collaborative craft as social practice. In E. Garber, L. Hochtritt, & M. Sharma (Eds.), Makers, crafters, educators: Working for cultural change. Routledge.



García, C.S., & Sotomayor, L.C., (2024). Nepantlando: Visual teaching through curadora methodologies. In H. J. Bessette & C. Sutton-Brown (Eds.), Utilizing Representation in Educational Research. Information Age Publishing.

Bailey, I., Sotomayor, L.C., García, C.S., & Reed, G. (2023). Introduction. In I. Bailey, C. S. García, G. Reed, & L. C. Sotomayor, (Eds), BIPOC Alliances: Building Community and Curricula. Information Age Publishing.

García, C.S. (2022). Foreword. In Sotomayor, L.C., Teaching In/Between: Curating educational spaces with autohistoria-teoría and conocimiento (pp. xvii-xxii). Veron Press.