BFA Acting Program
The Acting Program at FSU is an extremely competitive program designed to prepare highly talented students for work in professional theatre. In addition to the core of required theatre courses, this comprehensive curriculum includes a sequence of courses in acting, voice, movement, and specialized workshops. Acting students are also encouraged to participate in our London Theatre Experience during the fall of their third year.
Students audition for a wide variety of performance opportunities, including roles in the Fallon, Lab, and Studio Theatres. This balance of course work and production experience prepares students to meet the rigors of a demanding professional theatre career.

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Why Theatre at FSU?
The School of Theatre at Florida State University is consistently recognized as one of the finest theatre programs in the nation. Alumni of the School are working in theatre and other related fields throughout the United States and in many foreign countries. The students study and present their work in facilities that include two proscenium theatre’s and two flexible laboratory or black-box spaces in addition to studios, shops, and classrooms.
How to Apply
Step 1: Complete the Florida State University Application and pay the $30 application fee.
Step 2: Complete the BFA Acting Supplemental Application to qualify for the live audition. The Supplemental Application will be added to your Application Checklist within 1-2 hours of submitting your application to FSU.
Step 3: Submit your Pre-Screen Materials via the Application Status Check:
- Theatrical Resume
- Headshot
- Acting Future/Career Goals: A short statement describing your professional goals and your desire to major in Acting(650 words max.)
- Letters of Recommendation(3 required): You will enter your recommenders’ contact information and they will be contacted via email and prompted to upload their letter.
- Pre Screen Videos (Uploaded to the Portfolio section)
- Two Contemporary Monologues
Submissions will be reviewed on a rolling basis beginning November 1. Final Deadline is December 1.
Step 4: Complete your Audition
- Initial callbacks will be conducted via Zoom in January or February. You will be asked to perform, within individual appointments, two prepared 1- 2 minute contrasting contemporary monologues within your casting range.
- Students under final consideration will be invited to Tallahassee for a live interview and campus experience in March.
Preescreen Guidelines
Requirements: Applicants must submit a one minute monologue of your choice. The monologue should be filmed in a 3/4 shot which means the top of the head to the knees should be visible in the frame.
Slate: There should not be a separate “slate” video, rather slates are to appear at the beginning of the piece. The proper slate for a monologue is to share your name, the title of the play, and the playwright.
Scholarships and Financial Aid
The School of Theatre awards scholarships to selected incoming and continuing students in all BFA areas. Scholarships are awarded to incoming BFA students on the basis of academic ability and potential for achievement in their particular BFA emphasis.

London Theatre Program
The undergraduate program also offers students to attend our London Theatre Program! Perhaps no other college or university has a finer London Study Center than Florida State University. Our theatre students work with some of England’s best teachers and artists as well as with faculty from the Tallahassee campus. They attend theatre every week (some attend every day) and visit other countries during their breaks. Studying theatre in London is an extraordinary experience.