Two Department of Art Education professors have edited and published a book exploring exhibitions and curatorial practices. Ann Rowson Love, Associate Professor and Director of Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation, Pat Villeneuve, Professor and Director of the Arts Administration and Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation programs recently announced Dimensions of Curation: Considering Competing Values for Intentional Exhibition Practices.

The goal of the book is to help curators around the globe make sense of exhibitions their museum has curated and think intentionally about future curatorial decisions. Eighteen FSU faculty members, students, and alumni contributed chapters to the book.
“Pat Villeneuve and I are so excited for this book to be released!” said Rowson Love. “It represents years of development on the Dimensions of Curation Competing Values Model for conceptualizing and reflecting upon curatorial decision-making during exhibition development. We are so thrilled for our authors from around the world and from art museums small to large. We are also proud of all of our current FSU students and graduates who contributed chapters.”
“The book format offers examples from practice for each part of the model,” added Villeneuve. “We hope this will help museums envision the possibilities and encourage intentional curation.”
Dimensions of Curation is now available through the American Alliance of Museum’s co-publisher Rowman & Littlefield, Amazon, and other retailers.

The FSU Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation program prepares MA and PhD students to be edu-curators who envision exhibitions and interpretative planning as non-hierarchical, collaborative processes. Learn more about the program at arted.fsu.edu.
Contributors include:
- Faculty and Staff:
- Jay Boda (PhD 2020), Associate Director of Academic Affairs + Collections, The John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art
- Annie Booth (BA 2016, MA 2019), Curatorial Assistant and Visitor Engagement Coordinator, FSU Museum of Fine Arts
- Meredith Lynn, Curator, FSU Museum of Fine Arts and Assistant Professor, Department of Art
- Current Students:
- Emily Dellheim, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Kara Fedje, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Katie Fuller, Art Education
- Morgan Hamilton, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Audrey Jacobs, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Xiaonan Jiang, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Alexia Lobaina (BA 2014, MA 2016), Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Zida Wang, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation and Museum Education Assistant, FSU Museum of Fine Arts
- Ashley Williams, Museum Education & Visitor-Centered Curation
- Alumni
- Charlie Farrell, BS 2018, MA 2022
- Madison Grigsby, BA 2019, MA 2022
- Anneliese Hardman, MA 2022
- Ashley Hartman, MS 2015, PhD 2018
- Lesley Marchessault, BA 2006, MA 2009
- Michelle Sunset, MA 2014, MA 2021