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M.S. in Art Education - Professional Development

The MS in Art Education – Professional Development track (Option 2) is suitable for practicing artists, current teachers, and community or museum arts educators. Our dedicated faculty members have a range of educational experience in visual and cultural literacies, covering elementary, secondary, museum, and informal learning environments. With over a 70-year history, we believe in the intrinsic value of art to transform lives. Intent on achieving our mission, we aim to educate seasoned art educators to use art education as a platform for social change. 

apply for this program
Rolling Admissions. Apply by March 1st for our preferred Summer start.
Photo of graduates and faculty in graduation regalia
Program Overview

This option invites students to participate in a scholarly community that allows the exchange of ideas, the cultivation of expertise, and the opportunity to connect theory and practice. Students engage in art making, curriculum development, and the study and critique of contemporary issues impacting the field. 

Distance Learning

Most students complete this degree online. Our online courses are taught alongside our residential offerings by faculty members in the department, providing all the rigor of a Florida State University graduate program. Online students typically take asynchronous classes that fit around students’ ongoing professional commitments.  

Advisor Contact Info

Dr. Christen Sperry García
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