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FSU College of Fine Arts News

Three FSU Art Professors in B20: Wiregrass Biennial Exhibition

August 5, 2020
B20: Wiregrass Biennial is a regional juried exhibition encouraging innovative and progressive work that utilizes a variety of art forms and media and will feature paintings, sculp ...

FSU Among 10 Best Art Schools, by Art & Object

August 3, 2020
Article courtesy of Art & Object, Originally printed July 8, 2020, by ANNA CLAIRE MAUNEY The 10 Best Art Schools in the Southeast In today's world, professionals vers ...

Mallory Nanny Awarded Luce/ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in American Art

August 1, 2020
Doctoral student Mallory Nanny is the recipient of the Luce/ACLS Ellen Holtzman Dissertation Fellowship in American Art for the 2020–21 academic year, to support research on her ...

School of Theatre Alum Forges Her Own Career Path

July 29, 2020
Courtesy of Spectrum Magazine, published by the FSU College of Arts & Sciences, by Rodney Campbell Encore Performance History education forms the perfect backdrop for theatri ...

Experience New Landscapes in MoFA’s Virtual Exhibition

July 23, 2020
Over the past several months, faculty and staff at the FSU Museum of Fine Arts have been working behind the scenes on “MoFA at Home” educational features and art-centered act ...

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