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FSU College of Fine Arts News

A backlit person against a black background reaches in opposite directions with their arm and leg while balancing on the other. Their silhouette is barely visible in the lighting.

MANCC artist Joanna Kotze Completes First Dance Film and Premieres Live Work, ‘electric eye, Feb 9 -12 in New York City

February 10, 2022
Written by: Scott Lindberg of the Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography MANCC artist Joanna Kotze is among many dance artists whose creative work has been redirect ...

ARTNews' 2022 Decider's List Includes FSU's Grace Aneiza Ali

February 3, 2022
FSU Art Professor Grace Aneiza Ali was selected in ARTNews 'The Decider's Issue,' for her curatorial work. The yearly list recognizes individuals and institutions who are contribut ...

FSU Art’s Digital Media Fab Lab creates 3D trophies for Florida "Arts and Culture Hero" Awards

February 3, 2022
The FSU Department of Art’s Digital Media Fab Lab research staff and volunteer created custom 3D prints to acknowledge Florida State legislator’s advocacy for the arts. ...
Jiha Moon, "Olijug," earthware, underglaze, and glaze (2020). Photo credit: Eliza Schneider-Green.

Spring exhibitions at FSU’s Museum of Fine Arts

January 31, 2022
Article courtesy of FSU News, written by Anna Prentiss The Florida State University Museum of Fine Arts (MoFA) is featuring three new exhibitions that display the tal ...
“The Learning from COVID-19 Experiences Project" is where students and professionals can exchange techniques and methods for building resilience as well as showcase their artwork created during the pandemic.

FSU Art Therapy international conference tackles pandemic-related mental health issues

January 25, 2022
Article courtesy of FSU News, written by Anna Prentiss. Mental health issues are a continuing concern among youth and families, especially with the added stress of the COVID ...

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