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FSU College of Fine Arts News

Walmsley exhibition

Now in the WJB Gallery: The Day-Glo Prints of William Walmsley

June 1, 2018
This month, the WJB Gallery hosts a unique blacklight art show featuring the lithographs of late FSU professor and renowned printmaker William Walmsley, curated by four FSU Museum ...

Facility for Arts Research Accepting Applications for Faculty Fellows Program

May 29, 2018
The Facility for Arts Research (FAR) will be accepting applications for its FAR Fellows Program, which will provide professional and creative support for one faculty member from ea ...

College of Fine Arts Student Council & Power of WE Unveil Mural at Oglesby Union

May 24, 2018
Earlier this month, the CFA College Leadership Council (CLC) collaborated with Power of WE to unveil Home, a FSU Community Mural in Oglesby Union. As the opening act of ...
Inspire in NYC event

Noles in NYC Recap

May 21, 2018
The FSU School of Theatre recently hosted showcases of senior talent for agents. The events kicked off Noles in NYC, a week of events highlighting the arts at FSU for alumni and ...

MANCC Welcomes Juliana F. May

May 16, 2018
The Maggie Allesee National Center for Choreography is pleased to host Visiting Artist Juliana F. May in residence to continue to develop her project Folk Incest. Juliana F. May’ ...

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