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Open Position: Assistant Professor, College of Fine Arts- Interior Design/Graphic Design

Assistant Professor, 9 Month Salaried (College of Fine Arts – Interior Design)

Position announcement 

FSU Job ID: 48623 

The Department of Interior Architecture & Design at Florida State University announces a new faculty position that explores interdisciplinary connections between place and experience through graphic design. This position is for a nine-month tenure-earning Assistant Professor focused on teaching, research, and service. The appointment begins in August 2021. The Department of Interior Architecture and Design is home to a vibrant and collegial work environment with ten full-time faculty and approximately 200 students who enter through a rigorous selective-entry process. The program has been continuously CIDA accredited (Council for Interior Design Accreditation) since 1975. The Department imparts the values of human-centered design, evidence-based design processes and creative and critical thinking so that students positively impact human health, safety and well-being in the experiences and spaces they create. Learn more about the Department of Interior Architecture & Design at https://interiordesign.fsu.edu/ 


Preference will be given to candidates who are qualified to teach undergraduate- and graduate-level environmental design graphicspublication design, visual identity graphic designdesign studio(s), and other courses in the candidate’s areas of interest. Qualified candidates must also demonstrate the ability to conduct academic research and/or engage in creative scholarship and advise students through the thesis process. FSU offers opportunities for start-up research funding and summer teaching abroad. 

This position establishes graphic design as an integral and necessary knowledge and skill area for Interior Architecture & Design studentsIn pursuit of its goal of facilitating collaborative design practice, the Department will also provide graphic design learning experiences through this position to qualified students in the College of Fine Arts (which includes the Departments of Art, Art Education, Art History, Interior Architecture & Design, Dance, and the School of Theatre) and the university at large. This endeavor represents the potential future initiation of a graphic design specialization for students.   


Equal Employment Opportunity 

The Department holds that good design should be available to all, including persons from underserved populations, and can serve as an agent for social changeAccordingly, the Department seeks to match its faculty diversity to the existing and aspirational diversity of the student body. FSU is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community that is welcoming to all faculty, staff and students. As such, we strongly encourage applications from members of historically underrepresented groups well as those who have a demonstrated commitment to fostering and promoting the values of diversity and inclusion.  By valuing, celebrating and leveraging the differences and similarities within our community, we create a fertile environment for problem-solving – one that is more inventive and compassionate.  

An Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. FSU’s Equal Opportunity Statement can be viewed at http://www.hr.fsu.edu/PDF/Publications/diversity/EEO_Statement.pdf 



  • The ideal candidate will have the qualifications to teach undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas noted above. 
  • Mentor upper-division undergraduate and graduate-level students, advise and serve as a member of thesis committees;
  • Participate in innovative teaching and curriculum development;
  • Engage in research and/or creative scholarship, successfully disseminate those endeavors in appropriate outlets, and seek external funding;
  • Actively participate in academic and/or professional organizations;
  • Participate in departmental service opportunities;
  • Participate in College and/or University, state, and community service as appropriate. 


  • MFA / Ph.D. (or equivalent terminal degree) in design
  • MS / MA degrees with significant professional experience and/or demonstrated research may also be considered.
  • Demonstrated competency and proficiency in digital forms of visual design communication;
  • Demonstrated ability to conduct research and/or creative scholarship;
  • Demonstrated ability to use design-oriented technologies in practice, teaching and/or scholarly work;
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate effectively in oral and written forms; and,
  • Teaching experience at the undergraduate level. 


Desired qualifications 

  • Teaching experience at the graduate level; 
  • Five years or more of professional practice experience; 
  • Demonstrated competency and proficiency in hand and hybrid forms of visual design communication; 
  • Participation in design professional organizations and/or possession of specialized credentials. 



Nine-month appointment begins as early as August 2021. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Further information can be found at the Department of Interior Architecture & Design website: http://interiordesign.fsu.edu/people/faculty/opportunities/.


Application Process 

Required supporting documents must be time-stamped on the day submitted within the time and date specified on FSU’s job site. Review of applications will occur on a continual basis as they are received up until the deadline noted on the FSU job listings website. To be considered for this position, complete both these steps: 

  1. If qualified and interested, apply to Florida State University at http://jobs.fsu.edu. (If you are a current FSU employee, apply via myFSU > Self Service.) Applicants are required to complete the online application with all applicable information. Applications must include education details even if attaching a vita. 
  1. Additionally, submit the following directly to the departmental search committee: 
  • a letter indicating interest and qualifications for the position; 
  • maximum two-page statement of philosophy of teaching and research interests; 
  • a curriculum vita or resume; 
  • a digital portfolio of personal research and/or creative work; 
  • a digital portfolio of student work from courses previously taught; and, 
  • names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mails of three professional references. 


Applicants should submit all required documents as PDFvia email to: 

Jill Pable, Search Committee Chair 

Department of Interior Architecture & Design 

Florida State University 

143 Honors Way 

The William Johnston Building 

Mail Code 1231 

Tallahassee, FL 32306-1231 

Email: jpable@fsu.edu 


Files over 5MB in size should be submitted to https://dropbox.fsu.edu. Select “Drop-off” and proceed with submitting your information. Email confirmation of document receipt will be provided. Questions regarding applications may be directed to Jill Pable at jpable@fsu.edu 

The position is open until filled. Applications are reviewed as they are received. 


Criminal Background Check 

This position requires successful completion of a criminal history background check. 


Florida State University 

Florida State University is one of the nation’s most elite public research universities and one of the largest and oldest of the 12 institutions of higher learning in the State University System of Florida and offers a distinctive academic environment. Florida State University provides a challenging and formative environment for students, faculty, and staff. The university’s more than 41,000 students have the opportunity to work and study amidst a diverse and outstanding faculty that includes members of the National Academies, Guggenheim Fellowship recipients, and many Fulbright Scholars. The university is supported by approximately 14,000 employees and an annual operating budget of $1.4 billion. 

Florida State University has been designated as a preeminent research university in the state by the Florida Legislature as a result of having met a set of rigorous benchmarks. Anchored by its main campus in Tallahassee, the state’s capital, the university also has branch campuses in Panama City, Florida, and the Republic of Panama, with permanent study centers in Florence, Italy; London England; and Valencia, Spain. 

Florida State University’s 16 colleges offer more than 300 undergraduate, masters, specialist, doctoral, and professional programs, including medicine and law. Additional information about Florida State University, including its history and programs, can be found at http://www.fsu.edu. 


Tallahassee, Florida  

Tallahassee is Florida’s state capital and a two-time all-American city. The city is home to nearly 200,000 residents and students from FSU, Florida A&M University, and Tallahassee Community College. Tallahassee’s arts and sports scenes are thriving and there are many opportunities for outdoor recreation. Additionally, the city is a 2-hour drive to Jacksonville and 4 hours away from the major metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Orlando, and Tampa. 


Tobacco Free Campus 

Effective January 1, 2014, tobacco use, including simulated tobacco use, is prohibited on property, interior and exterior, owned or managed by Florida State University. This policy applies to all Florida State University students, employees, consultants, contractors, visitors, and external individuals.